Investors looking to make informed decisions regarding their investments in IRCTC may use a Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Forecast to gain valuable insights into the potential performance of this leading travel service sector stock in the stock market.

If you are considering investing in IRCTC or have already invested in this stock, this article provides valuable insights. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited holds a dominant position in the market, leading to consistently high profits.
To assist you with comprehensive research and analysis on the company and its financial performance we’ve provided a helpful Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecast
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Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Overview
Stock Name | Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation |
BSE Code | 542830 |
NSE Symbol | IRCTC |
Country | India |
Official Website | |
Sector | Travel & Tourism Services |
Market Cap | ₹ 48,900 Cr |
Competitors | EaseMyTrip, MakeMyTrip |
👍 Strengths of IRCTC
- The company has shown a good profit growth of 29.08% for the Past 3 years.
- Company has been maintaining healthy ROCE of 45.04% over the past 3 years.
- Company is virtually debt free.
- Company has a healthy Interest coverage ratio of 81.50.
- The company has a high promoter holding of 62.40%.
👎 Weakness of IRCTC
- The company has shown a poor revenue growth of 0.17% for the Past 3 years.
- The company is trading at a high PE of 51.90.
- The company is trading at a high EV/EBITDA of 34.15.
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation products and services
IRCTC offer wide range of travel services as follows:
- Flight Bookings
- Hotels Bookings
- Trains Bookings
- Bus Bookings
- Rail Drishti
- E-catering
- Hill Railways
- Charter Train
- Tourist Train
- Packaged Drinking Water Rail Neer
IRCTC Price Chart
IRCTC Fundamental Analysis
Stock Price Prediction & Forecast
Based on a recent stock analysis, it is predicted that the price of IRCTC shares will experience a gradual ascent, potentially reaching a peak of approximately ₹1100. The positive outlook is influenced by current events such as India’s hosting of the G20 summit, where the country holds the Presidency for one year. This prestigious event is expected to attract a greater number of foreign visitors to India.
Additionally, later in the year, India is hosting the 50-50 International World Cup Series, which is anticipated to provide a significant boost to the country’s tourism industry. These developments are likely to indirectly benefit IRCTC as a company.
AU Small Finance Bank Stock Price Forecasts, Predictions 2023-2038
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Year | Minimum Price | Maximum Price |
2023 | ₹ 557 | ₹ 775 |
2024 | ₹ 689 | ₹ 880 |
2025 | ₹840 | ₹ 950 |
2026 | ₹ 937 | ₹ 1103 |
2027 | ₹ 1070 | ₹ 1220 |
2028 | ₹ 1199 | ₹ 1496 |
2033 | ₹ 2156.27 | ₹ 2300 |
2038 | ₹ 2900 | ₹ 3150 |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecasts 2023
The projected range for (IRCTC) share price in the upcoming year is between ₹557 and ₹775 with a target price of ₹740
Year | IRCTC Share Forecast 2023 |
2023 | ₹557 per share to ₹775 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Target 2024
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According to the current research the company has shown a very good profit growth of 29.08% in past 3 years and also the revenue of the company is increasing
The projected range for share price in the upcoming year is between ₹689 and ₹880 with a target price of ₹840
Year | Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Share Target 2024 |
2024 | ₹689 per share to ₹880 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Prediction 2025
The estimated price range for (IRCTC) shares for the year 2025 is predicted to be between ₹840 and ₹950, with a target price of ₹935.
Year | IRCTC Share Prediction 2025 |
2025 | ₹840 per share to ₹950 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecast 2026
IRCTC has managed to maintain the healthy ROCE (Return On Capital Employed) of nearly 46% for past 3 years which is a magnificent number
The estimated price range of the company for the year 2026 is predicted to be between ₹937 and ₹1103, with a target price of ₹1078.67
Year | Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Prediction 2026 |
2026 | ₹937 per share to ₹1103 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Target 2027
Based on the available information and future analysis of the stock. The projected range for IRCTC share price for the year 2027 is between ₹1070 and ₹1220, with a target price of ₹1198
Year | IRCTC Share Target 2027 |
2027 | ₹1070 per share to ₹1220 per share |
If you want to buy (IRCTC) shares quickly and easily, check out 👉Groww!👈
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecast 2028
The projected range for IRCTC share price for the year 2028 is between ₹1199 and ₹1496, with a target price of ₹1341
Year | Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Prediction 2028 |
2028 | ₹1199 per share to ₹1496 per share |
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Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecast 2033
The projected range for IRCTC share price for the year 2033 is between ₹2156 and ₹2300, with a target price of ₹2259
Year | IRCTC Share Prediction 2033 |
2033 | ₹2156 per share to ₹2300 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Stock Price Forecast 2038
The projected range for IRCTC share price for the year 2038 is between ₹2900 and ₹3150, with a target price of ₹3089
Year | Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation Share Prediction 2038 |
2038 | ₹2900 per share to ₹3150 per share |
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation is owned by?
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. is a “Mini Ratna (Category-I)” Central Public Sector Enterprise under Ministry of Railways, Government of India.
Who is the largest shareholder in Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation?
The President of India held the largest share in IRCTC as of December 2022, based on available information.
Is IRCTC a debt free company?
Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation is a debt free company. Debt to Equity ratio of the company is also a zero
Is Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation a public traded company?
Yes, Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation is a public traded company and is listed on both NSE and BSE stock exchanges On BSE as 542830 & on NSE as IRCTC
Is Indian Railway Catering And Tourism Corporation a profitable company?
The net profit for the fiscal year ending in March 2022 witnessed a substantial surge of 249% to reach ₹663.69 crore, compared to ₹189.90 crore recorded in the previous fiscal year ending in March 2021.